Fundamental Principle + Logic = Understanding Reality

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We Homo sapiens are the first and, for the moment, still the only species that has the capacity for rational thought. Clearly, rational thinking has helped us tremendously in many ways, but equally clearly, we have flopped badly in other crucial areas. We have been hanging around so far for 200,000 years. It is high time for us to “pull up our socks” and use our brains to clean up our act for whatever time we have remaining.

Everything explores fundamental principles and truths which are universal and apply to and throughout substantially everything.

Physicists have undertaken to understand and explain everything about the entire universe, including what actually comprises the entire universe.  Excellent and fairly sustained progress is being made, but we are sure that we do not yet comprehend it all.  We do know quite a lot and have benefited greatly by utilizing that knowledge to dramatically improve human life.

Everything primarily deals with the “universe” of all thinking, reasoning individuals, including their interactions, their institutions and their societies.  All of that universe exists inside the physicists’ entire universe, and is therefore completely subject to all of the laws that the physicists have discovered.  The most important things that have happened over the past million years or so are examined and projected into the future.

Most often, books and courses focus on some specific area of study.  However, virtually everything interacts with everything else, and certain fundamental principles underlie everything as well.  The purpose here is to pull back, focus on the big picture and understand how the whole mess functions under the governance of the laws and principles.  (Approx. 339 pages; 422 with appendixes)

Some characterizations of Everything:

  • Ruthlessly dispatches BS and confusion about everything.
  • Amazing scope, unique perspective: from the beginning of the universe on into the future.
  • Many disparate topics; all turn out to be important to human civilization.
  • Advocates rational thinking and provides useful examples.
  • Not just important questions, but also important answers.
  • Recipes for a peaceful, prosperous society that maximizes freedom and happiness.
  • A massively comprehensive work of scholarship.
  • If you agree, you’ll love it; if you don’t agree, you need it.
  • Don’t start a new civilization without a copy of Everything as your instruction manual.
  • Strong medicine!  You’ll be glad you took it.
  • Everything important that occurred over the last million years or so.
  • If you haven’t been doing much thinking lately, Everything is an enjoyable way to reboot and get up to speed quickly.
  • Solutions for important problems.
  • The human race from beginning to end.

Table of Contents

  1. The Beginning
  2. Rational Thinking
  3. Debunking Illusions of “Spirituality”
  4. Rational Self Interest
  5. Rights and Morality
  6. Defining and Securing Rights
  7. The Constitution of the United States
  8. Controlling a Government
  9. Guaranteeing Election Integrity
  10. Feeding a Government
  11. The Savior of the World
  12. Money, Good and Bad
  13. Energy
  14. The End

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